Lab Portal


Problem Description

Consider the Pine Valley Furniture Company database designed and implemented using structured query language during previous semester. Try to recall major relations in the database (CUSTOMER_T, ORDER_T, ORDER_LINE_T, and PRODUCT_T). There is a need to implement a web based solution for above mentioned database. The web based solution must incorporate following functionalities: New Customer Registration Searching of Products Products Selection and Order Placement Product Catalog Update Payment Provision

Click Here to See Lab-3 Implementation



Problem Description

Implement the Currency Converter Application discussed in the class. The application should include following features: • Conversion from US dollars to Euros, Canadian Dollars and Japanese Yen. • Display currency graphs.

Click Here to See Lab-4 Implementation



Problem Description

Using Html server controls develop a web form that displays a rectangle Write appropriate event handler code that detects the location at which the user has clicked. Modify code developed in Part (A) to identify regions on the following circle Use Screen coordinates, Cartesian coordinates and Polar coordinates

Click Here to See Lab-5-a Implementation Click Here to See Lab-5-b Implementation



Problem Description

Develop an page that displays a list of options with check boxes (Use CheckBoxList web control). On clicking a button (web control) the page displays the selected options in a label control. Develop a page that displays two text boxes and a button web control. The textboxes are used to capture number of rows and number of columns from user. (a) On clicking button, generate a table with r rows and c columns. In each cell display row,col values. Develop a web form that records all page processing events in a list box as shown below.

Click Here to See Lab-6-a Implementation Click Here to See Lab-6-b Implementation Click Here to See Lab-6-c Implementation


Click Here to See Lab-6-c Implementation
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